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Posts tagged as “Sweden”

Don’t Hide News to Keep Trump and the Trumpets From Seeing It

Self censoring your social media posts to keep “inconvenient” stories out of the hands of Trump supporters who might use them against us is an exercise in futility.

Stockholm riots trump
Scene from 2013 riots in Stockholm, Sweden

By Telefonkiosk (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

To defeat Trump, we need to know the whole story. We also need to hold true to our values.

Sadly, these days many people get all of their news from the Internet. Sadder still, many only read news stories after being directed to them by their Facebook friends. Because of this, I take great care when posting a news link on Facebook to make sure I’m linking to the best source I can find.

I also take great care to make sure I’m not linking to stories with exaggerated importance — the type of story that makes a mountain out of something rather meaningless that Trump and his minions has done or said that really doesn’t matter. Desperate or greedy websites publish plenty of this type of story as clickbait, eliciting a knee jerk reaction from us. We Trump opponents can be easily seduced by those who flatter us by pointing out how smart we are.

If This Be Treason is an AlternativeApproaches Media website.