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Posts tagged as “Environment”

When Customers Became Consumers

We haven’t always been a nation of consumers.

I remember when Americans were customers. We bought things because we wanted them or needed them. We would have laughed in the face of anyone with the audacity to suggest that it was our patriotic duty to consume, as Bush did after 9/11. If we were faithful to a brand, that faithfulness was brought about by value or product superiority. Companies worked hard to persuade us to become their customers, and they knew better than to insult us by assuming we were forced to use their products no matter what.

The FDA & Genetically Engineered Salmon

This is an old story, but it needs mention every couple of weeks. The FDA is failing the U.S. consumer badly. Not only does it continue to approve genetically engineered foods for public consumption, without fully understanding the risks these foods might wreck on public health and the environment, it protects the producers of these foods by failing to require genetically engineered products be labeled as such.

According to The Good Human, if you eat processed foods, genetically engineered products are probably entering your body every day:

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