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Posts tagged as “Hillary Clinton”

More Reasons Not to Support Hillary’s Bid for the Nomination

Hillary ClintonIf Hillary’s connections with Wall Street bankers and her vote to help Bush find the phantom “weapons of mass destruction” isn’t enough to dissuade you from supporting her in the primary race, then here are some more reasons buried in her history.

We’ll start with her years as First Lady.

During her husband’s run for the White House back in ’92, a central campaign issue was healthcare reform. Indeed, during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention that year, he brought up healthcare reform at least three times:

  • Less than ten minutes into the 53 minute speech, he said when talking about his mother, “That’s why I’m so committed to make sure that every American gets the health care that saved my mother’s life, and that women’s health care gets the same attention as men’s.”

  • Later, when ragging on H.W. Bush’s ineptitude, he brought the subject up again, as an example of a Bush and Republican failing: “He won’t take on the big insurance companies and bureaucracy to control health costs and give us affordable health care for all Americans, but I will.”
If This Be Treason is an AlternativeApproaches Media website.